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Area Code 609 Information

Area Code 609 Map State: NJ - New Jersey
Active: True

Area code 609 in New Jersey includes arguably three of the most strategic locations in New Jersey: The State Capital of Trenton, the renowned resort town of Atlantic City and Princeton, home of the prestigious Princeton University. It was created in 1958 when the original 201 area code for New Jersey was divided into two area codes. Presently, it covers parts of Central Jersey, South Jersey and the Jersey Shore. The southwestern part of the state adjacent to Philadelphia is now covered by area code 856, as a result of a split of the area codes in 1999. The area covered by 609 divides two separate regions in New Jersey. On the one hand, Mercer County is important because Trenton and Princeton are located in the county. On the other hand, 609 also covers Atlantic City and portions of the Jersey Shore.

Related Area Codes: 856

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